July 6, 2016 6:30 am
Published by anne
If you’re thinking about a new career or are just entering the working world, we want you to consider court reporting. The benefits of being a court reporter extend beyond the courtroom to the business world due in part to the evolution of livestream video and webinars. We’re excited to be part of this growing field and hope you are too. Here are five benefits of being a court reporter: No Four Year Degree Required. Whether you choose an online or in-person program, you can be working as a court reporter in as few as two years. Not only that... View Article
June 6, 2016 6:00 am
Published by anne
In our blog post 4 Tips for Court Reporters Working from Home, we touched on how it’s important to take breaks because it increases productivity. That’s not the only reason. Taking time away from work helps the mind, body, and spirit reset and get ready to complete a project or inspire you to start a new one. Some days it’s more challenging to take breaks but here’s why it’s a good idea. Burnout prevention – It’s great to be busy but working too many hours causes fatigue and you may even grow to dislike your work. Left uninspired, you may walk... View Article
May 20, 2016 10:08 am
Published by anne
As a court reporter you understand your day doesn’t end when you’re done taking depositions. It takes planning to be your most productive but household responsibilities can be challenging to balance especially when your workload is overwhelming. If you work from home, your day is more flexible which can be a benefit but it also means you’re responsible for time management. Having trouble getting organized? Try these productivity tips for court reporters and let us know how it changes your day. Plan your day – Whether you spend ten minutes at the end or beginning of the day, plan what you’re... View Article