Certified Shorthand Reporters
Let Accuracy-Plus Reporting become your full-service court reporting agency, serving those in Sacramento, Roseville, Folsom, Stockton, Modesto, Fairfield, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, or anyplace in the Central Valley, Northern California and Southern California area. Don’t waste your time looking for videographers, interpreters, conference rooms, copy services…just give us a call and we’ll take care of it all for you! Need a reporter out of state? We will set that up too!
We also provide reporters for your hearing or trial in Placer, El Dorado and Sacramento counties and beyond. We offer complimentary conference rooms throughout the greater Sacramento and Roseville area.
Fast, accurate and on time, we are Accuracy-Plus Reporting, a deposition court reporting agency with a personal touch, supported by experienced court reporters skilled in the latest technology available. We offer over two decades of experience supporting busy attorneys, a very competitive page rate and a wide array of services.
“Accuracy-Plus always gives fantastic personal service, even at last-minute notice. They are always available and always with a smile, and their work is outstanding.”
Attorney at Law, Eason & Tambornini
“Accuracy-Plus´ work product is consistently excellent, and they are a pleasure to deal with. My clients are happy with the quality of their deposition transcript; and when my clients are happy, I´m happy.”
Attorney at Law Carothers, DiSante & Freudenberger
“Calendars always change and Accuracy-Plus is amendable to rescheduling. They are cordial, friendly, dependable, reliable, and make my job easier.”
Attorney at Law, Tennant & Ingram Dipro Group