Legal Videography: More to It Than Meets the Eye
March 20, 2017 2:37 pmIs your next deposition a good fit for legal videography? It might be especially if you’re trying to make an impact at trial.
When are videographers utilized? They’re used in addition to court reporters and are hired to record courtroom depositions, testimonies, crime scene recreation, and even the signing of legal documents such as wills. Generally, one attorney will hire both the court reporter and the videographer. The legal videographer will bring and set up their camera, tripod, portable lighting and any other necessary equipment prior to the beginning of the event.
Why Not Just Use a Court Reporter?
Court reporters record a written transcript of the events they are hired to cover. Videography offers added benefits to those involved a deposition or trial. Being recorded seems to dissuade witnesses from behaving inappropriately and viewing testimony has a stronger impact on jurors than simply reading a transcript.
Court reporter transcripts are a valid record of the words spoken by witnesses, but a video is a lasting record of facial expressions, body language and the emotion in a witness’ voice.
Video preservation of testimony is also crucial in cases where a witness becomes ill or deceased before courtroom proceedings are concluded. Video of a will signing can be used to assure family members that the will’s contents and signature are authenticity. Videographers can also be used outside of the courtroom setting to capture the recreation of a crime scene. This part of an investigation can give all involved in the case a better understanding of the timeline and chain of events.
It’s More Work Than Set Up and Press Record.
Legal videographers do a lot more than set a camera on a tripod and press play; there are regulations – set in place by the Certified Legal Video Specialists Council – which must be adhered to regarding the lighting and video quality, among other things. An incorrect camera angle or insufficient lighting may jeopardize the video’s effectiveness. Videographers must also understand when courtroom etiquette allows them to request a delay in proceedings. This may be acceptable if the videographer is having technical issues with their equipment.
Videographers are used to create a lasting, audio-visual account of trials, depositions, and other important legal events, and they are an asset to all involved in courtroom proceedings.
Need legal videography for your next deposition? Contact us today!
Categorised in: Court Reporting
This post was written by anne
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